• Why Is My Child Getting Cavities?
    We want our children to have every advantage, including oral health. That’s why you encourage your child to brush twice a day. You keep the sugary treats to a minimum. Read more
  • What's the best dental floss?
    Dental floss is similar to a lot of products that depend mainly on the consumer’s preference. Fact is, floss comes in a wide variety of flavors, coatings, and other variations, Read more
  • Brushing: Before or after breakfast?
    In a perfect world, we would all jump out of bed ready to greet the day with a big smile and a toothbrush close at hand to clean our teeth Read more
  • When is the best time to floss?
    At Mara Rosenberg, we prefer our patients to practice good oral hygiene between office visits. Part of that process includes flossing, which the doctor will tell you, is the process Read more
  • Bottled Water: Friend or Foe?
    Some people choose bottled water over tap because they think it’s cleaner. Some do it out of convenience: It’s easy to grab a bottle of water to take with you Read more
  • Famous Teeth throughout History
    We probably all remember sitting through history lessons during our schooling years. Revolutionary war heroes, English royals, and pop-culture icons filled the pages of our textbooks. Although you may recall Read more
  • What should we blog about?
    As a patient at Mara Rosenberg, your opinion matters! the doctor and our team love hearing what our patients think about our practice and the services we provide, and now Read more
  • What do you love about our practice?
    At Mara Rosenberg, we have been creating beautiful smiles for years. Whether you or your family have visited the doctor and our team for a single visit or have been Read more
  • I brush my teeth regularly. Why do I need to floss?
    Brushing your teeth regularly is one of the most crucial parts of maintaining good oral health, and perhaps the most fundamental, however, there are also other elements involved. Flossing, for Read more
  • Anxiety, Phobia, and Fear of the Dentist
    Not many people look forward to going to the dentist, especially if you already know that you need dental work done. A small amount of anxiety is one thing, but Read more
  • Don't brush after EVERY meal!
    This may come as a surprise, but brushing your teeth right after a meal can be one of the worst things you can do for your healthy teeth. A toothbrush Read more
  • To use or not to use mouthwash; that is the question
    A famous mouthwash company chose the marketing slogan, “Better than flossing.” As a consumer, would you believe a high-end commercial that essentially tells you to stop flossing? Just use this Read more
  • How do I know if I have dry mouth?
    Dry mouth, also medically known as xerostomia, is the condition of not having enough saliva, or spit, to keep your mouth wet. There are many ways to keep dry mouth Read more
  • How Do I Care For My Pet’s Teeth?
    Our pets are a valued part of the family, but dogs and cats are not regularly known for their minty-fresh breath. Did you know that bad breath can be a Read more
  • Which type of mouthwash is best?
    Taking care of your oral health involves a daily regimen of brushing, flossing, and rinsing to prevent tooth decay and bacterial infections. Though you may have asked us which toothbrush Read more
  • My toothbrush did what?
    If you were to put your toothbrush bristles under a high-powered microscope, what you would see might give you nightmares: millions of bacteria, busily crawling up and down your toothbrush Read more

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9:00 am-2:00 pm





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